Lethal Weapon: I’m Getting Too Old for This Sh!t!

Murtaugh:  Jesus.  You’re not trying to draw a psycho pension.  You’re really crazy. Riggs:  So now you know. Murtaugh:  Yeah.  Now I know. — Lethal Weapon (1987)                                      1980s Hollywood gave the world a genre of movies that will forever be known for explosions, gratuitous nudity, on point humor, and tag lines that will forever market the movies into the future.  Then as computer-generated imagery (CGI) and a shift in political and cultural norms brought about the demise of movies that forever shifted…

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The Unknown Known: Morris Study of the Unknown Known Rumsfeld

Subject:  What you know. There are known knowns.  There are known unknowns.  There are unknown unknowns.  But there are also unknown knowns.  That is to say, things that you think you know that turns out you did not.  — Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, 1975-1977, 2001-2006 Love or hate Donald Rumsfeld …. the man got one thing right.  He understood the way to defeat enemies is to understand the possibilities that exist in the war space.  The Machiavellian politician understood that for a leader to make decisions they must understand the situation to include facts and assumptions that are both…

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Fog of War: Errol Morris and Robert McNamara Discuss Military Failures

An intelligent person takes appropriate actions to effectively plan for future activities and postulate for any scenarios that would cause problems.  A wise person not only reviews those plans and subsequent actions following the prescribed events, but they apply those lessons at future engagements. Fog of War (2003), from Academy Award winning documentarian Erol Morris, is a film comprising multiple interviews with Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (1961 – 1968) for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.  Not known to be either humble nor admitting his failures, Fog of War was released 6 years before McNamara’s death at…

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They Live: Do not STAY ASLEEP

“A whole lot of people going crazy over some nutty dream they just had.  The truth is, this kind of shit happens at the end of every century.  It’s just people afraid to face the future.”  — They Live The 1980s provided movie watchers some memorable movies that have aged very well or even done better.  One of the best science fiction movies from that era was Wes Craven’s They Live (1988) starring Roddy Piper and Keith David.  Since its original release, the movie gained a cult classic status and has one of the best lines in any movie (that would later be…

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Amistad: Doing What is Right When Others Don’t

“…that the said negroes be declared to be free, and be dismissed from the custody of the court, and go without delay.”   — United States v. Amistad We all have our reasons for joining the military.  Those reasons are varied in theme and at the core have some sort of selfish manner no matter the patriotic zeal.  At our moral centers though is a desire knowing our actions matter; that our daily emotional, mental, and physical struggles are properly sacrificed for something of a higher regard.  We want to know that what we do matter and that these sacrifices…

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Star Trek Generations: Accepting the Past

“This Nexus of yours, very clever.  I can start all over again and do things right from day one.” – Captain James Kirk (William Shatner), Star Trek Generations This author has watched Star Trek Generations at least three dozen times in his life and the focus has always been on the “passing of the torch” from The Original Series (TOS) and The Next Generation (TNG) casts.  So much so of a passing of one group to another, the writers specifically destroyed the Enterprise D to ensure Star Trek fans understood the the storyline was specifically moving into another creative segment. …

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Sully: Tom Hanks Shows the World The Value of Self Improvement

SULLY:  I’ll tell you what I think… I’m just so damn proud. You were right there with me, through all those distractions. With so much at stake. We did this together. We were a team. SKILES:  Thanks Sully. SULLY:  We did our job. SKILES:  We did our job. Commercial aviation is a tricky and complex business; military aviation is no different.  When outsiders watch military or aviation movies, the viewer receives only a basic understanding of the aviation system and culture that they only see through news or the times they travel home to visit family.  People build their assumptions…

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Paths of Glory: Kubrick’s Anti-War Lessons on Leadership

Written by:  Pred Published:  22 October 2022 Sometimes there are those military movies that come out of the woodwork that you can not believe is more commonly known or researched.  These movies are such a perfect gift for those seeking the knowledge to simply improve themselves.  Additionally, they provide a critique of military culture, both the positives and the negatives, and also obliterate the common public perception of how military culture operates. These movies usually are not as sexy as those box office blockbusters, but hey sometimes the not so popular things are better for you.  Paths of Glory. Paths…

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