Spies Like Us: Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase Teach Us to Be Doctors… Sort Of

“These are our new surgeons, Dr. Trobridge and Greenbaum. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – Doctor. – And Doctor.” — Spies Like Us Sometimes lessons are not taught in the positive affirmative manner, but in the negative manner where one learns from false assumptions or incorrect behaviors.  The embarrassment of communicating incorrectly understood information to others can motivate someone to improve their actions or behavior to prevent…

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Caring Just the Right Amount: The AKU Process

We are all familiar with the pitfalls of not caring enough. Some of the worst disasters in the world are caused by people being sloppy or even indifferent in their work. Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, sinking of the Titanic, and the loss of the space shuttle Challenger could all have been avoided if key actors paid more effort in the areas of their responsibility. Risks posed by careless planning are evident in the military context too, but on a personal level harm can be caused also by caring too much. How? Let me explain… In the 2016 action movie The Accountant…

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Be More Machiavellian

Machiavelli gets a bad rap. His eponymous 16-century work, “The Prince,” placed Niccolo Machiavelli into the literary and cultural lexicon as the caricature of a coldly calculating opportunist, willing to discard scruples for political gain. But read the book and you will find a remarkably brief treatise with enormous wisdom about how to succeed in high-stakes leadership situations. For as much as present-day works on leadership have contributed constructively to the practice of collaborative leadership that builds win-win solutions, there are still times when resources are zero-sum and realpolitik will dictate a single winner to a dispute. Right about now,…

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The Best Leadership Trait: Emotional Intelligence

I want you to take a minute and think about some of the individuals that you have worked for or with, in any business, group, or community setting.  Did they inspire you?  Did they motivate you?  Did they make you want to be a better person and create a sense of unity and teamwork?  Now that you have that person in mind, what behavior did they display that made you feel inspired, motivated, and create a sense of teamwork?  Did you feel that they listened to you and understood you and showed empathy toward you?  If so, that person was…

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Star Trek II: Irrational Character vs. Character Who Will Not Lose

No… You can’t get away… From hell’s heart I stab at thee…. For hate’s sake… I spit my last breath at thee.  — Khan Noonien Singh, Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Khan Herman Melville’s Moby Dick is the ultimate “all-destroying but unconquering” revenge story with the protagonist Captain Ahab spending is entire life unsuccessfully destroying the white whale that destroyed his life.  The hauntingly tragic tale witnesses a man so inflamed with emotional rage due to a perceived injustice that he is willing to sacrifice everything, pay whatever cost, and take whatever irrational action to exact his revenge against…

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Invest in Meaningful Relationships

Throughout my military career I have spent a considerable amount of time helping others figure out what motivates them to put on their uniform day after day. For many service members over the past few years, their work environment has transformed from the bloody battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan with constant deployments to the non-combat steady state garrison operations. Adversaries have adjusted their strategy from a barbaric physical combative form into deceptive psychological information operations aimed at crumbling countries from within. This shift in warfare has also transformed the modern service member’s day to day operations to a more non-action…

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War Machine:  Brad Pitt’s Warning on Hubris

Written by:  Pred Published:  12 November 2022 In Iraq, he transformed special operations with what he called systemic negation of repetitive procedural practice or to the acronym-obsessed military, SNORPP. … For three and a half years, he’d been trying to explain SNORPP to the Washington Press Gallery. Narrator, War Machine (2017) There are several words that come to one’s mind when they dwell on Afghanistan.  The United States led a coalition for 20 years and all culminated with the tragic and hastily departure from Kabul Airport in August 2021.  Watching the scenes of people hanging off C17s created a wide…

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Spot On, Mate

Written by:  Pred Published:  29 October 2022 Extremely accurate.  Exactly correct or accurate.  Exactly right.  Hit the target. This is a phrase that has interested the author in his military aviation time.  When one drops exploding steel from aircraft at high altitude, “hitting the target” is of vital interest.  British,  U.S., and Australian aviators from WWII used this phrase to acknowledge how well their bombs struck the targets below.  Aviators are trained to ensure they operate aircraft to deliver weapons from various airspeeds and altitudes.  The goal is to release those weapons so they will fall and land as close…

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